Transformation of Sentences Rules: Assertive to Interrogative & Vice-Versa

Assertive to Interrogative

Assertive to Interrogative & Vice-Versa: Transformation of Sentences for Class 10 icse

Rule-1: Assertive sentences [with Auxiliary Verbs in the affirmative] are changed into Negative-Interrogative———using —–n’t with the Auxiliary ——–at the beginning +? At the end of the sentence.

  • A: They are working in the field.
  • Int: Aren’t they working in the field?
  • A: They have finished the work.
  •  Int: Haven’t they finished the work?
  •  A: Students should respect their parents and teachers.
  • Int: Shouldn’t students respect their parents and teachers?

Rule-2: Assertive sentences [with Auxiliary Verbs in the negative] are changed into-Interrogative———dropping out —–n’t from the Auxiliary ——–at the beginning +? At the end of the sentence.

  • A: They are not working in the field.
  • Int: Are they working in the field?
  •  We should not overlook him.
  • Int: Should we overlook him?
  • A: You are not a good student.
  • Int: Are you a good student?

Rule-3:Assertive sentences [without Auxiliary Verbs in the affirmative] are changed into Negative-Interrogative———using —–n’t with do/does/did——–at the beginning +? at the end of the sentence.

  • A: He plays football every day.
  • Int: Doesn’t he play football every day?
  • A: We help the poor in Ramadan.
  • Int: Don’t we help the poor in Ramadan?
  • A: They killed a cat yesterday.
  • Int: Didn’t they kill a cat yesterday?


  • Use—Doesn’t & drop out——s/es from the verb;
  • Use—-Don’t  for verb without—s/es in the present indefinite;
  • Use—Didn’t for the verb in the simple past and convert the verb into the present.
  • Use —-Do  for-verb in the present-negative
  • Use —-Does   for-verb in the present-negative and—drop-s/es from the main verb
  • Use—Did   for –verb in the simple past-negative and-convert the verb into –present.

Such as,

  • A: He does not play well.
  • Int: Does he play well?
  • A: They do not play well.
  • Int:  Do they play well?
  • A: They did not play well.
  • Int: Did they play well?

Rule-4: Never——in the assertive becomes—ever——- in the Interrogative and—-nothing—-in the assertive becomes——-anything—-in the Interrogative. Such as,

  • A: I never drink wine.
  • Int: Do I ever drink wine?
  • A:  He has nothing to worry.
  • Int: Has he anything to worry about?

Rule 5: Everybody/everyone/all—in the assertive is changed into interrogative by—–Who doesn’t/don’t/didn’t + main verb to the ending +?

  • A: Everybody loves flowers.
  • Int: Who doesn’t love flowers?
  • A: Everyone hates a liar.
  • Int: Who doesn’t hate a liar?

Rule—6: Nobody/None/No one— in the assertive is changed into interrogative by——Who+ verb+ the rest part +?

  • A: Nobody called you.
  • Int: Who called me?
  • A: None can foretell the future.
  • Int: Who can foretell the future?
  • A: No one is above the law.
  • Int: Who is above the law?

Exclamatory to Assertive & Vice-Versa: Transformation of Sentences for Class 10 icse

Rule—1: Exclamatory with—What—-is converted into Assertive in the following way—

Structure: Subject + Verb+(a/an ) + very/great + adjective +the rest part. Such as,

  • Excl: What a beautiful bird it is !
  • Asser: It is a very beautiful bird.
  • Excl: What a fool the boy is !
  • Asser: The boy is great fool.
  • Excl: What a pity !
  • Asser: It is a great pity.
  • Excl: What a big river the Padma is!
  • Asser: The Padma is a very big river.
  • Excl: What a fine flower the rose is !
  •  Asser: The rose is a very fine flower.

Rule—2: Exclamatory with—How—-is converted into Assertive in the following way—

Structure: Subject + Verb + very + adjective +the rest part. Such as,

  • Excl: How talkative the lady was!
  • Asser: The lady was very talkative.
  • Excl: How pretty the girl is!
  • Asser: The girl is very pretty.
  • Excl: How fast time flies!
  • Asser: Time flies very fast.


  1. Exclamatory with———Hurrah/hay/huzza! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of joy that + the rest part.
  2. Exclamatory with——–Alas/Ah/Oh!——–is to be changed into Assertive by——it is a matter of sorrow/grief that+ the rest part.
  3. Exclamatory with——Good Heavens/Ha! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of exclamation that + the rest part.
  4. Exclamatory with———Fie/Pooh/Shame/Tut! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of hatred/shame that + the rest part.
  5. Exclamatory with———Ouch/Ugh! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of pain that + the rest part.
  6. Exclamatory with———Bravo/Well done! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of praise/applause that + the rest part.
  7. Exclamatory with———Hello! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of addressing/greeting that + the rest part.
  8. Exclamatory with———welcome/hail! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of greeting that + the rest part.
  9. Exclamatory with———Goodbye/Adieu/Farewell! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of farewell that + the rest part.
  10. Exclamatory with——-Lo/Hark ! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of caution that + the rest part.
  11. Exclamatory with———Hush! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of silence that + the rest part.
  12. Exclamatory with———Ick! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of disgust that + the rest part.
  13. Exclamatory with———Wow! — is to be changed into Assertive by—It is a matter of wonder/surprise that + the rest part.


  • Excl: Hurrah! We have won the game.
  • Asser: It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.
  • Excl: Wow! You jumped into the running bus.
  • Asser: It is a matter of wonder/surprise that you jumped into the running bus.
  • Excl: Hush! The baby is sleeping.
  • Asser: It is a matter of silence that the baby is sleeping.
  • Excl:  Hark! You should not cross the busy road.
  • Asser: It is a matter of caution that you should not cross the busy road.
  • Excl: Bravo! You have scored an excellent goal.
  • Asser: It is a matter of praise/applause that you have scored an excellent goal.

Rule—4: Exclamatory with—–If—–expressing a wish/desire——-is converted into Assertive by———Subject+ wish     + the rest part.  [ dropping if]

  • Excl: If I were a king!
  • Asser: I wish I were a king.
  • Excl: If I could be a bird!
  • Asser: I wish I could be a bird.
  • Excl: If I could go back to my childhood!
  • Asser: I wish I could go back to my childhood.

Rule—5: Exclamatory with—–Had/Would that—–expressing a wish/desire——-is converted into Assertive by———Subject+ wish     + the rest part.  [dropping Had/Would that]

  • Excl: Had I the wings of a bird!
  • Asser: I wish I had the wings of a bird.
  • Excl: Would that I could go to America!
  • Asser: I wish I could go to America.
  • Excl: Had I been a merchant!
  • Asser: I wish I had been a merchant.
  • Excl: Would that I could be a magistrate!
  •  Asser: I wish I could be a magistrate.

Assertive to Imperative and vice-versa:

Rule—1:  If the Subject is 2nd Person[ You/Ye], then use the verb or being Negative, use—Don’t, For a request/polite manner, use—-Please/Kindly + main verb to the ending.

  • Asser: You should do the work.
  • Imp: Do the work.
  • Asser: You speak the truth.
  • Imp: Speak the truth.
  • Asser: You are requested to help the poor.
  • Imp: Please help the poor.
  • Asser:  You do not go out.
  • Imp: Don’t go out.
  • Asser: You should never tell a lie.
  • Imp: Never tell a lie.
  • Asser: Ye don’t run in the sun.
  • Imp: Don’t run in the sun.
  • Asser: Ye should not disturb the class.
  • Imp: Don’t disturb the class.

Rule—2: If the subject is——I/we/he/she/it/they or any name—then, use——-Let me/us/him/her/it/them/or any name +[not–   if be in the assertive]+ main verb to the ending.

  • Asser: I should go out.
  • Imp: Let me go out.
  • Asser: We should play now.
  • Imp: Let us play now.
  • Asser: We do not hate the poor.
  • Imp: Let us not hate the poor.
  • Asser: She reads the Quran.
  • Imp: Let her read the Quran.
  • Asser: Karim plays football.
  • Imp: Let Karim play football.

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