Adjectives: Definition & Types




Mohammed Mohsin ( M.A in English Literature J.U)and B.Ed 1st Class.( N.U)

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  Key Features to know Adjectives at a glance:

  • Adjective Defined;
  • Uses of Adjectives;
  • Epithet
  • Classifications of Adjectives;
  • How to know the Adjectives;
  • Comparison  of  Adjectives.

 Let’s look at the following examples:

  1. Runa is a beautiful lady.
  2. Darcy is a brilliant  student.
  3. We are happy.
  4. I am the first boy in the class.
  5. The scenery is charming.

The words “beautiful, brilliant, happy, first and charming” are used to qualify the words Runa, Darcy, We ,I, The scenery. So, they are Adjectives. They are used in two ways—(1) Attributively ; (2) Predicatively.

In the above sentences, we can see that “beautiful, brilliant and first” are used before the words they have qualified and hence, such a use of Adjectives is called Attributive.

 “Happy and charming” are used at the end of sentence(s) as a Predicate and hence, such a use of Adjectives is called Predicative.

Definition: The word which qualifies a Noun or a Pronoun or a Noun equivalent word is called an Adjective.

Epithet: An Adjective used close to and before the noun which it qualifies is called an Epithet. Such as: He is a good boy. Father is an angry man.

Classifications: Adjectives are grouped into under the following classes. As;

  1. Adjectives of Quality;
  2. Adjectives of Quantity;
  3. Adjectives of Number;
  4. Proper Adjectives;
  5. Distributive Adjectives;
  6. Demonstrative Adjectives;
  7. Interrogative Adjectives ;
  8. Emphasizing Adjectives and
  9. Possessive Adjectives.

Now, let’s discuss in details.

(1)Adjectives of Quality: The Adjectives that qualify or state of a thing.

  • Dhaka is a big city.
  • The brave man faced the angry man.

(2) Adjectives of Quantity: The Adjectives that denote the quantity of a thing.

  • There is a little water in the glass.
  • Add some sugar to the tea.

(3) Adjectives of Number: The Adjectives that denote the    number of a thing.

  • He is the first boy in our class.
  • Can you give me three boys?

Adjectives of Number are subdivided into three:

  • Cardinal Number: one, two, three etc.
  • Ordinal Number: first, second, third etc
  • Multiplicative: single, double, triple, multiplicative etc.

(4)Proper Adjectives: The Adjectives that are derived from Proper Nouns.

  • This is an Indian shirt.
  • Mr.Paul is an American.

(5)Distributive Adjectives: The Distributive Pronouns like-each, every, either and neither, when they are used before a noun/pronoun.

  • Each boy will get ten minutes.
  • Either you or your brother did the work.

(6)Demonstrative Adjectives: This, That, These, Those and Such are called Demonstrative Adjectives when they are placed before a noun. As,

  • These mangoes taste sweet.
  • This book reads well.
  • Give me such mangoes as are ripe.

Note: When such is followed by a singular number, it takes a/an before the noun as per the pronunciation.

(7) Interrogative Adjectives: Which, what, whose are called   Interrogative Adjectives when they are placed before a noun. As,

  • Which boy did it?
  • Whose book is this?

(8) Emphasizing Adjectives: very, own, then etc. are used in the sentence as an Adjective to put emphasis on the noun identified. As,

  • I met the then Headmaster of the school. 
  • The then Govt. enacted this law.
  • This is our own house.
  • This is the very thing I want.

(9)Possessive Adjectives: When the possessive pronoun is  used before a noun to denote a possession. As, 

  • My book is lost.
  • This is his book.

How You will know the Adjectives:  words ending in–   ed, en, ful, ish, less, ly (with a noun), some, ward, y, al, an, ane, ar, ary, ate, ble, ible, able, esque, id, ile, ine, ive, lent, ous, ose, ic, like, are Adjectives

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