Animals of Bangladesh: Exploring Wildlife in Bangladesh

animal of Bangladesh

Animals are significant assets of Bangladesh. These are frequently used in agriculture and transportation and provide us with food and nutrition. Animals also serve as the source of leather. Many animals were domesticated to suit human needs in ancient times. To meet the increasing demand, animals are now raised commercially. Other than domesticated animals, there are various species of wild animals in Bangladesh. However, their number is rapidly decreasing due to the unfavourable environment. The Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh.

Domestic Animals: Animals that are raised in households are called domestic animals. These include cow, goat, buffalo, sheep, duck, chicken, horse, etc. These animals provide milk, egg, meat, and leather and are used as means of transportation. Bangladesh has a favourable climate for their natural growth and immunity against diseases. Besides, modern veterinary science has dramatically improved animal breeding methods, dietary quality, prevention, and control of diseases. Government support has made the livestock profession a very lucrative one.

Faithful animals: Many people keep pets not just for economic benefits. Most notable pets include dogs and cats. Dogs are well known for their loyalty to their master. From ancient times, dogs have safeguarded their masters’ residences. Dogs remain devoted to their masters. However, people don’t keep dogs only for security reasons. Many love to keep dogs, including those of foreign breeds.

Wildlife: A large section of animals dwell in the forest. Generally, wild animals are ferocious, but with exceptions. The nature of Bangladesh includes tigers, jackals, bears, monkeys, deer, snakes, elephants, etc. Among these, tigers, deer, monkeys, elephants, and other animals live in specific forest areas. The jackals, the snakes, etc., are commonly seen in the bushes of rural Bengal. Wild animals sometimes cause harm to humanity. Tigers in the adjacent areas of the Sundarbans often attack people. Bangladesh has about 22 amphibians, IO5 species of reptiles, 17 species of marine reptiles, 388 species of birds, 110 species of mammals, and three species of marine mammals. Besides, nearly 240 species of migratory birds come to Bangladesh every year. Most of these are now endangered and almost extinct due to climate change and indiscriminate hunting.

Caged Pet Animals: Sometimes, people raise pet animals in cages as their hobby. Caged pet animals include rabbits, monkeys, guinea pigs, deer, etc. People keep these wild animals in cages for entertainment. It would undoubtedly be better for them to be allowed to live in their natural habitats in the forests rather than being imprisoned in cages. 

Insects: Bangladesh, as a tropical country, accommodates different species of insects. The lifespan of these insects ranges from a few hours to many years. They may survive on their own or in a group. Insects feed on plants, animals, and organic matters. Some produce valuable commodities such as silk, honey, wax, and dyes, while some have proved helpful in scientific and medical research.

On the other hand, some insects spread diseases to plants, animals, and humans. Some insects also damage buildings, furniture, and clothing. Most common insects include mosquitoes, houseflies, scarab beetle, corn flies, hornets, ants, bees, moths, butterflies, honeybees, and grasshoppers.


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