Birds of Bangladesh: Exploring Avian Diversity in Bangladesh


Birds are one of the best gifts of nature. They are primarily found in countries with forests and trees, hills and valleys, rivers, marshes and canals, and wide-open meadows. They also like to live in a moderate climate- neither too hot nor too cold. So, the land which is a happy abode is a suitable place for them. Birds usually increase the beauty of a country. We sleep at night and rise early in the morning, hearing the sweet songs of different birds. Their chirping charms us all. There are about 628 species of birds of Bangladesh. Of them, 388 are residents, and 240 are migratory. The crane, the giant bird in the subcontinent, is sometimes seen in Bangladesh. The number of birds in Bangladesh gradually decreases due to environmental changes and the shrinking of forests and marshy lands. Even 70 or 80 years ago, the Pink Headed Duck, Comb Duck, Common Peafowl, and Burmese Peafowl were seen in this country. But now, those have become nearly extinct.

There are different types of birds in a country. They are different in color, size shape, and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh, and some live on warm insects, some on fruits and grains, and some on filth and garbage. Birds are divided into many classes. They are Artistic Birds, Wading Birds, Song Birds, Cage Birds, Game Birds, Teasing Birds, Migratory Birds, Talking Birds, Domestic Birds, Tailor Birds, Rapacious Birds, and Birds of Prey.

Artistic Birds

The weaverbird is known as an artistic bird. It builds its nest like a woven basket. The nest hangs from the tree branches. They are called weavers because of their skill in making artistic nests. There are three different species of weaverbirds in Bangladesh. Cuckoos do not build their own nests. They don’t even hatch their eggs or take care of their offspring. They lay their eggs in the nests of crows. Crows hatch those eggs and provide care to the young cuckoos, presuming those to be their own chicks.

From ancient times, Parrots and Mynas have been well known for their ability to mimic human speech. They are also popular as cage birds. Besides talking, domesticated parrots can amuse people by displaying various tricks with their beaks and clawed feet.

Wading Birds

Birds of wetlands and other aquatic habitats are known as Wading Birds. These birds prefer to live in estuaries, mudflats, sand flats, seashores, swamplands, haors, char lands, riverbanks, large ponds, lakes, water reservoirs etc. Some of them love irrigated paddy fields. Wading birds of the seahorses usually range from small to medium size. They have long legs and necks. Bangladesh’s well-known wading birds include the Painted Snipe, Sandpiper, Avocet, Heron Godwit, etc.


A good number of birds belong to the songbird group. They can call melodiously. That is why they are known as songbirds. Songbirds of Bangladesh include Cuckoo, Myna, Nightingale, Drongo, Pied Cuckoo, Flower-pecker, etc.

Cage Birds

Birds that can be reared in cages are called cage birds. These birds breed in confined cells. As a result, many of their natural characteristics change, eventually turning them into near-domesticated birds. This is why many people consider them domesticated species. Popular cage birds in Bangladesh include Parrot, Myna, Munia, Love Bird, Red Munia, Java sparrow, Gold Finch, Green Finch, etc.

Game Birds

People frequently hunt some species of birds. Game birds of Bangladesh include Cranes, Water Hen, White-Breasted, Francolins, Red Jungle Fowl, Quail, etc. These birds are primarily seen in coastal areas, estuaries, char lands, marshes, freshwater wetlands, mountain streams, and ponds. Game birds stay in flocks in the larger water bodies. Woodcock lives in the deep forest of the Chittagong Hill Tracks. Also, Red Jungle Fowl and Mathura are seen in the woods of the Chittagong and Sylhet divisions. Some are national, and some migrate during the rainy seasons and winters.

Teasing birds

Crows and kites are called teasing birds. The crow is a widespread bird in almost every country of the world. It’s very clever. It steals away the food and other small things from our kitchen and little babies’ hands. It looks ugly. Yet it’s beneficial. It feeds on dead animals and dirty things, thus making our environment clean. It’s regarded as a friend of nature. It has a harsh voice. Similarly, the kite also steals away chickens, fish, and pieces of flesh. It also eats dirty things from nature.

Migratory Birds

Birds that visit Bangladesh occasionally, like during the winter and the rainy seasons from overseas, especially from Siberia, are called migratory birds. Most of the migratory birds fly from the Himalayan Mountains and adjacent areas. During winter, numerous birds also arrive here from Siberia. Some of them come from Europe and the Far East. Some other bird species take a break in Bangladesh while migrating to the south in autumn and to the north in spring. These birds are known as transitory species. They add to the natural beauty of Bangladesh.

Talking Birds

The parrot, the cockatoo, and the martin are known as talking birds. They are fine-looking and tame for their sweet voice, and they can speak like human beings if they are trained. They are imitating birds. When anyone utters a word, they try to emit the same comment. People like to bring them up in their houses so they can talk. They are known as domestic birds. Their eating habit is also to human beings. They eat rice, fruits, grains, and vegetables.

Domestic Birds 

The pigeon, the hen, the cock and the duck are domestic birds. They provide us with flesh and egg. Many families in our country make poultry farms and earn a lot of money.

Tailors Birds 

Some birds built their nests with great skill. We wonder about their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, The Tuntuni and the babul are tailor birds.

Birds of Prey 

Birds that hunt other animals, especially vertebrates, are called birds of prey. They have keen senses. They can see from a long distance. The beaks and talons of the birds of prey are sharp and strong. With powerful beaks, they hold the game and tear it into pieces to devour. They feed on amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and fish. There are two types of birds of prey, the diurnal and the nocturnal. Diurnal birds of prey include eagle, falcon, hawk, osprey, vulture, etc. The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. All of them use talons to catch the game. These birds save our environment and thus keep up our ecological balance by eating up harmful insects and animals. The eagle keeps circling in the air or stays on the top of a tree to locate prey. It quickly pounces on the game as soon as it sees one.


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