Flowers of Bangladesh: Explore the Floral Beauty of Bangladesh

Flowers of Bangladesh

The flower is a unique feature of nature. It is a symbol of beauty and purity. It gives us immense joy and happiness. There is hardly any person who does not love flowers. Hence, people like floral decorations and widely use them on birthdays, weddings, and other occasions. Flower plants grow abundantly in pots, lawns, rooftops, and or balconies. There are flowers of different shapes, colors, and fragrances. Floral beauty refreshes the human mind. Due to increasing demand, flowers are now cultivated commercially in Bangladesh. Some breeds of flowers are also imported. The Mughals were the first to introduce planned and well-designed gardens in this country. Since antiquity, flower plants have been grown on the premises of residences and temples to serve religious purposes. Also, gardens were developed to beautify the palaces of royal families and aristocrats.

Seasonal Flowers:

In Bangladesh, varieties of flowers grow and bloom in different seasons. Summertime flowers include Bokul, Beli, Togor, Jarul, etc. During the rainy season, numerous aromatic flowers bloom like Kadam, Kamini, Gandaraj, Jui, etc. Sheuli, Mallika, and Madhbi blossom in autumn. Water lilies in the wetlands and Kash flowers on the riverfronts grow in this season. Marigold, Sunflower, Shimul, Polash, and some others appear in winter and spring. The Mughals were the first to introduce planned and well-designed gardens in this country. Since antiquity, flower plants have been grown on the premises of residences and temples to serve a religious purpose. Also, gardens were developed to beautify the palaces of royal families and aristocrats.

Flowering Trees:

Some big trees produce beautiful flowers usually planted in parks, big gardens, and lawns. Beautiful leaves, colorful flowers, and a sweet aroma make them attractive. Chhatim, Kadam, Polash, Shimul, Sonalu, Krishnachura, Jarul, Swarnachampa, Bokul, Nageswar, Shephali, Kathgolap, Kanakchampa, etc are well-known flowering trees.

Flowering Shrubs:

Flowering shrubs are evergreen and long-lived plants found in small and big gardens. These include Rangon, Shandhyamalati, Sthalpadma, Dhutra, Kanchan, Hasnahena, Beli, Jaba, Raktakarabi, Rose, and Togor, etc.


The orchid is a long-lived, medicinal, and parasitic plant. Sometimes it even lives on dead plants. Colorful petals and wavy patterns are its unique features. Nearly 200 species of orchids grow in Bangladesh. Although some orchids bloom throughout the year, their flowering mostly occurs between January and June. The increasing popularity of exotic orchids has made its commercial cultivation highly profitable. However, indigenous orchids are now also being widely appreciated along with foreign ones.

Creeping Flowers:

Creeping plants can’t grow well without the support of something like a wall, grill, bamboo branch, etc. These plants can grow abundantly in a small garden, as they don’t occupy much space on the ground. These plants are mostly used to decorate walls, gates, fences, and so on. Many of these species are renowned for their colorful and fragrant flowers. These flowers include Creeping Rose, Bougainvillea, Malatilata, Madhumalti, Holud Ghontaphul, Chandramukhi, Bleeding Heart, Jui, Lata Parul, Chameli, Nilmanilata, etc. Some creepers are used as medicines. In the burning, wound, and any injury, the sap of these creepers is applied to recover the problems.

Wild Flower:

Numerous species of flowers bloom naturally in the underwoods, roadsides, water bodies, forests, and hills. These are called wildflowers. Prominent wildflowers of Bangladesh include Babla (Gum Tree), Murta, Nil lata, Jal Kalmi (Water bindweed), Hadgoza, Bhola, Sagar Kalmi, Baranukha, Ghasphul, Jaldhaniya (Indian buttercup), Ban-shan (Wild sun hemp), etc. Many of these wild, flowering plants have medicinal properties. Some of these are used for treating heart disease, peptic ulcer, lung, kidney, and scrotal cancer, and other ailments.

Cut Flower:

Cut flowers are usually sold in the form of bouquets, garlands, or other attractive floral designs. These gained popularity since the independence of Bangladesh. To meet their demand in Dhaka and other cities, cut flowers are cultivated commercially. These include varieties of Rose, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum, Tube Rose, Marigold, Lotus, etc. Flowers like Korobi, Kamini, Dolonchampa, Dhalia, and Zinnia are also occasionally available.


Both amateur and commercial floriculture exist in Bangladesh. The demand for cut flowers, foliage plants, and seasonal flowers is gradually increasing. Rose and Tuberose are now exported to the Middle East and Europe in limited quantities. At present, small and big nurseries are being cultivated to meet the demands of domestic and foreign markets.


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