Fruits of Bangladesh: Exploring the Bounty


Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. Nature has adorned her with exquisite beauty, in which there are lots of fruit-bearing trees wherever we look. Bangladesh produces a lot of fruits, which supply nutrition and energy to the people. Besides sweet and juicy fruits, there are also sour fruits rich in Vitamin C. Widely cultivated fruits are Mango, Jackfruit, Blackberry, Pineapple, Banana, Guava, Lychee, Lemon, Wood Apple, Custard Apple, Pomegranate, Palmyra Palm, Star Apple, and Indian Olive, etc. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. 

Seasonal Fruits:

Fruits that grow in particular seasons are called seasonal fruits. May, June, and July are known as the months of fruits as seasonal fruits grow in abundance during this period. Mango, Jackfruit, Blackberry, Lychee, Guava, Pineapple, Custard Apple, Palmyra Palm, watermelon, Melon, etc. are prominent seasonal fruits of Bangladesh.

Year-Round Fruits:

Some fruits grow all year round and they are available throughout the year in the local market. They are Papaya, Sapodilla, Coconut, Green Coconut, Banana, etc. Both ripe and green Papaya and Banana are edible as vegetables. The native home of Banana was the southwestern Pacific region and Papaya originated from Central America. Notable species of Banana grown in Bangladesh are Champa, Sabri, Singapuri, Mahersagar, etc. Green Coconut juice is a favorite summer drink. The endosperm of ripe fruit is widely used in various sweet preparations. Various species of coconut including Tipica Green, Tipica Brown, Dudhea, etc are cultivated in Bangladesh.

Citrus Fruits:

A variety of citrus fruits grow abundantly in Bangladesh. Notable among them are Elachi Lebu, Kagzi Lebu, Pomelo, Orange, etc. Lemon is a native fruit of the Indian Subcontinent and grows almost everywhere. In Bangladesh orange is mainly cultivated in the hilly areas of Sylhet, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Rangpur, and Panchagar districts. These citrus fruits meet up the demand of the countrymen. There is always a great demand for citrus fruits in the local market. Generally, there are two kinds of Orange – sweet and sour. China is known as the original home of Orange. However, sour orange is thought to have originated in southeastern Asia. In Bangladesh, a limited quantity of China orange (a common variety), Mandarin orange, and Seville orange (a sour variety) grows in Sylhet, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Rangpur, and Panchagarh districts.

Cultivated fruits:

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Europeans introduced the cultivation of a variety of fruits this country has seen alluvial soils, black soils, and red soils that are suitable enough for the huge production of fruits. Since the outset of the twentieth century, numerous kinds of fruits have been cultivated commercially. These include Mango, Banana, Papaya, watermelon, Guava, Pineapple, Jackfruit, Coconut, Indian Jujube, and Lychee. The Chinese oranges that are sweet and sour in taste and flavour, have enriched the fruit production in this country. However, sour oranges are thought to have originated in southern Asia.

In Bangladesh, a limited quantity of China orange, Mandarin orange, and Seville orange grow in plenty in Sylhet, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Rangpur, and Panchagar districts. Guava originated in the Mexico-Peru region of America. In the early 17th century, the Portuguese introduced this fruit into the Indian Subcontinent. It is called the ‘’Apple of the tropics’’. Guava is rich in Vitamin C, carbohydrates, and protein. It can be eaten fresh or processed into jam, jelly, or pickle, etc. Young leaves and root bark of Guava are used in herbal medicines and its timber is used for tool handles and engraving. It grows almost everywhere in Bangladesh. Currently, it is being commercially cultivated in large quantities. Swarupkathi of Barishal, Mukundapuri of Brahamanbaria, and Kanchannagar of Chittagong are famous for Guava cultivation.

Short & Long-lived Fruits:

There are short and long-lived fruits in this country, too. Fruits that grow within a short period are known as short-lived fruits. These fruits grow within 4 to 22 months after planting and the trees usually die soon after that. Bananas, Papaya, and Pineapple are notable short-lived fruits grown in Bangladesh. Melon and Watermelon are also considered short-lived fruits. They are locally called one seasonal fruit. More than half the fruits of Bangladesh are short-lived. Plants that bear fruits long after planting and live longer are known as long-lived fruit trees. Well-known among these are Mango, Blackberry, Jackfruit, Lychee, Guava, Palm, Plum, Coconut, and Betel Nut. They bear fruits many times. But a note is to be cited that Sapodilla was brought from tropical America. It is widely cultivated in the Faridpur and Dhaka regions. On the other hand, Burmese Grape, Monkey Jack, Rattan, River Ebony, etc. fruits are found both in wild and cultivated forms.

Imported Fruits:

Although plenty of fruits are grown in Bangladesh, some are imported from various countries due to high demand and they are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are useful for health. Considering their health value, they are imported. Notable among them are Apple, Orange, Pomegranate, Grape, Date, Mandarin, etc.


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