The Master of Tense : All the Future Forms

Future Tense

The Master of Tense


Mohammed Mohsin ( M.A in English Literature J.U)and B.Ed 1st Class.( N.U)

Mobile:+8801814-22 25 07/+8801850-14 97 02.

All The Future Forms

1.Future Indefinite:

Denotes an action that is still to take place.

How to know the Bangla sentences: The Bangla sentences/verbs end in the signs of : বে, ব, বা, বি, বেন থাকে


Sub +shall/ will +base form of the verb +obj/ ext/ complement.

Examples: I shall help the poor. Mother will cook rice.

Note: In a general sense, the first person ( I/we) takes “shall” and second/ third persons ( you/ ye/he/she/it/ they etc) take “will” but to express a threat, determination, a command, a promise) then shall and will are interchanged. Moreover, in present day English, there is a growing tendency to use   will   in all persons.

2.Future Continuous:

Denotes an action that will be going on in future.

How to know the Bangla sentences: The Bangla sentences/verbs end in the signs of  তে থাকিব, তে থাকিবা,তে থাকিবে, তে থাকিবেন  থাকে


Sub +shall be/will be +progressive form/ verb-ing +obj/ext/complement.

Examples: I shall be helping the poor. They will be doing the work.

3.Future Perfect:

Denotes an action that will be completed at some point of time in future.

How to know the Bangla senteces: The Bangla sentences/verbs end in the signs of  ইয়াথাকিব, ইয়াথাকিবা, ইয়াথাকিবে, ইয়াথাকিবেন  থাকে


Sub +shall have/ will have +past participle form of the verb +obj/ ext/ complement.

Examples: I shall have done it. They will have finished the work.

4.Future  Perfect Continuous:

Denotes an action that will have been going on in future for a period of time or a point of time.

How to know the Bangla sentences: The same as future continuous.


Sub +shall have been/ will have been +verb-ing +obj/ext/complement.

Examples: I shall have been reading in this school for five years. They will have been living in this city since 2021.

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